Monday, 4 May 2015



I'm Alice. I'm 21, I study Business & Retail Management at Surrey University, I'm in final year and I'm obsessed with beauty bloggers and youtube. I thought why not give it a go myself? 

That's the boring stuff out of the way; here is my face - 

I think I need to point out a couple of things before I start:
  1. I really have no idea what I'm talking about, all I am is a girl that loves makeup and someone who is learning a lot from following it and I see this is my outlet to experiment with it.
  2. Considering I am (nearly) 22, last year I had the worst outbreak of acne ever, and as I'd never suffered with it before I had an absolute mare trying everything to clear it up. Thankfully my hormones have finally calmed down, and though still not completely cleared up, I've been left with quite a lot of acne scarring - something I plan on clearing up this time around.
  3. I am poor. I am a student with no income other than student loan, so when I buy something I do a lot of research around it and am usually pretty gutted if it turns out to be pants. Considering this, makeup and beauty seems to be an expensive hobby but I'm hoping I can give some sort of insight in to "budget" beauty.
  4. I am comfortable in my skin but aware of my flaws. My big honker of a nose, scraggly and unbehaving hair and (as mentioned) bouts of acne scars all around my mouth. All things I'm planning on accepting and enhancing for a new better Alice.
  5. My aim for this blog is to review products, try new things, share my journeys and endulge in my favourite thing, I really hope anyone that is reading this enjoys it.
That's all for now I think, on to exciting things!

If you fancy you can follow me on Twitter/Instagram, my name is @awicewhite

kloveyabye x

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